Microcement Kitchen Floor London
The kitchen happens to be an essential and important part of your home that is often overlooked. Sure, you appreciate the tiled walls and backsplashes but what about the floor? You surely do not want to stand on a dusty cement floor that is chock a block with contaminants and tiny debris? No worries! Try installing microcement kitchen flooring and your anxious mind will be set to rest once and for all.
You are sure to be enamored by the lovely, seamless and smooth kitchen floor after microcement is applied expertly over concrete. It is completely grout free as opposed to tiles making the floor remain clean and free of contaminants hiding deep within the crevices.

What’s more you have a wide range of colors to select from as well and can go for any shade of the rainbow and more. Feel free to choose red, blue, green or yellow if you fancy the primary shades or settle for the stark white or jet black if you want to create an impression.
Do not hesitate if you want a harmonious kitchen either. Remember that microcement can be applied to all surfaces and you can have it on the countertop and cabinets as well as on the walls to create a beautiful and uniform effect that captures instant attention. It is going to last a long time as well and you are sure to spend many happy hours in this area even as your family grows up around you.
Yes! You may have to move a kitchen table or another cabinet in occasionally if needed but have no fear of the floor being scratched. A microcement kitchen floor remains as good as new for years at a stretch as it is resistant to nicks and scratches. You do not have to walk around carefully while handling household chores either.